
Why Join?

  • If you believe that boards can truly make a difference
  • If you believe that advanced governance systems such as Policy Governance® can help
  • If you want to meet with and learn from others who are on similar journeys to good governance
  • If you want access to reliable and trustworthy resources to build and sustain your board's governance capacity

Be a part of the change you want to see and join us!

GOVERN for IMPACT affiliates are entitled to the following:

  1. Access to sharing and learning with colleagues about governance issues through our strategic leadership teams, hubs, learning circle and conferences/events. (See the rest of this website for more information and email [email protected] to arrange a time to discuss your interests).
  2. Access to tools and templates not available to the general public, a full spectrum and richness of experience, participation in open forums to discuss challenges and opportunities to inform and advocate for the future of governance excellence
  3. The opportunity to contribute to a growing movement for governance that makes a difference. (See the rest of this website for more information and email [email protected] to arrange a time to discuss your interests).
  4. Substantial discounts on GOVERN for IMPACT Annual Conference and other event registration fees. (See individual event information on this website). Please note organizational members get discounts for all staff.
  5. A discounted annual subscription rate of $91.00 for six issues of Board Leadership: Innovative Approaches to Governance, the premier governance journal on advanced governance systems. (For access information email [email protected]).
  6. 35% discount on non-subscription Jossey-Bass/Wiley products including Policy Governance® titles. ; (For access information email [email protected]).
  7. 10% discount off the price of the REALBoard Tool KitTM, Volume 1 - Meaningful Monitoring, Volume 2 - Board Self-Evaluation and Volume 3 - Connect! A Guide to Ownership Linkage, by Jannice Moore. (For more information see
  8. Having a Voice in Governance Developments - For example, GOVERN for IMPACT affiliates have had a major influence on the first ever national standard on governance produced by the British Standards Institution and ISO-7000 Governance Standard currently in development.
  9. Receive the GOVERN for IMPACT newsletter and the International Journal for Governance Excellence.
  10. Have opportunities to mentor, lead, and learn from other professionals committed to governance excellence through our Strategic Leadership Teams, Networking, Learning Communities (Hubs), and other engaging activities. Whether you are a rising star or an experienced dynamo, your voice and experience supports our movement and supports our collective work!


At the Individual Affiliate Level, additional benefits include:

  • Access to potential peers
  • Access to consultants and subject matter experts
  • Ability to profile your work in the online Consultant Profile
  • Opportunities to respond to RFPs and speaking and workshop opportunities with GOVERN leadership and partner organizations
  • Voting privileges at GOVERN’s annual meeting and the ability to inform the strategic direction of governance excellence

 Note: Affiliation at this level transfers with the individual if the individual changes organizations.

 Note: We also offer a Young Professional Governance Affiliate Level for those 35 years of age and younger.

 At the Organizational Level, additional benefits include:

  • All benefits of the individual level
  • Up to 8 linked affiliates are included in the base price, with additional linked affiliates for small additional fees
  • Networking opportunities to share lessons learned with other organizational affiliates, increasing possible partnership opportunities in your area of work
  • Ability to profile your organization on our Boards and Effective Governance Profile
  • The opportunity to have your organization’s work receive a spotlight in GOVERN communications/case studies/publications

 Note: This type of affiliation remains with the organization, even if contacts within the organization change over time.

 At the Fellow, Governance Systems Professional (GSP), additional benefits include:

  • All benefits of the individual level
  • Free participation in two advanced master class educational sessions per year, open exclusively to GSPs
  • GSP-focused learning community activities and networking opportunities
  • A professional profile listing on the GOVERN for IMPACT website featuring GSP credentials